− Nature : Stages (2 candidats recherchés) − Lieu : France métropolitaine (Paris 16ème) − Durée : 6 mois −…
PRESENTATION DE L’ACTIVITE Sous l’égide de la Fédération du Commerce et de la Distribution, l’Initiative for Compliance and Sustainability (ICS)…
On 17 January, under the leadership of amfori, the ETI, IEH, ICS, SAI and Sedex sent a letter to the…
On December 21st 2018, numerous ICS members sourcing from Bangladesh sent an official letter to the Government of the People’s…
We are pleased to announce that ICS becomes Initiative for Compliance and Sustainability ! ICS original name, Initiative Clause Sociale,…
The International Trade Centre (ITC) has partnered with ICS, which is representing a number of European textile retailers, to strengthen competitiveness and climate resilience in the Moroccan textile value chain. The launch of the…
After the 14 new brands who joined ICS in 2017, (Camaïeu, Maisons du Monde, Promod, La Redoute, and Vivarte group composed…
The current monthly wage of Tk 5,300 is established since 2014 (the starting wage is equal to Tk 3,000 with…
It is extremely complex as consumers to be informed on the environmental impacts of products we buy from brands. They,…