On June 9th 2020, ICS (Initiative for Compliance and Sustainability), AAFA (American Apparel and Footwear Association), amfori, FLA (Fair Labor…
La pandémie de Covid-19 a eu un réel impact sur les chaînes d’approvisionnement mondiales, dont des pénuries de matières premières,…
ICS in collaboration with the ITC organized a joint online event on March 12th to discuss the main issues at…
Dans le contexte difficile actuel lié à l’épidémie du COVID-19, l’ICS et ses membres souhaitent rappeler que les consignes de…
Après les 7 nouvelles enseignes qui ont rejoint l’ICS en 2019 ( 3Pagen, Aigle, Afibel, Burton of London, Devred 1902,…
L’ICS (Initiative for Compliance and Sustainability) est une initiative qui met à la disposition de ses membres des outils communs…
ICS has partnered with Eurofins/AQM to provide a training course on Managing Health and Safety in Dakha, Bangladesh. This one-day…
ICS has partnered with Eurofins/AQM to provide a training course on Chemical Management in Shanghai, China. This one-day training is…
The International Trade Centre (ITC) had partnered with ICS, representing a number of European textile retailers, on resource efficiency and circular production in the Moroccan textile value chain. The project is…
ICS has partnered with the International Labour Organization (ILO) SCORE to provide a training course on Workplace Cooperation and Health…