On 17 January, under the leadership of amfori, the ETI, IEH, ICS, SAI and Sedex sent a letter to the Malaysian government to express their concerns about allegations of severe violations of workers’ and human rights, particularly against migrant workers, that may constitute forced labour or create the conditions that pose a high risk of modern slavery. In the letter, the co-signatories offer the Malaysian government to establish a constructive dialogue and collaboration to tackle the issues at hand.
One of the key issues that the coalition asks the government to reconsider is the current proposal to deduct 20% of migrant workers’ earnings without workers’ consent, which violates international labour standards. amfori will continue to meet with relevant stakeholders to discuss measures on how to navigate these complex issues.
The co-signatories stand ready to work together with the government and engage with institutional partners, leading trade unions, civil society, migrant worker organisations and academics to offer meaningful, appropriate and sustainable solutions to the challenges migrant workers and refugees face in Malaysia.